Sunday, March 14, 2010

It starts with a single step.....

"The Longest Journey Begins With A Single Step"
I keep saying "weight loss journey." It's more than a "journey." It's a lifestyle change. But along the way of changing our lifestyle for the better so we are around for our son, we've learned so much more- a journey, if you will. We've learned how to eat healthy, fit exercise into a very busy schedule, and change our feelings about food.
It is a mental journey first.
I eat because I'm bored. Or sitting in front of the TV with nothing better to do. So what to do when the feeling strikes? Different things- chew gum, drink flavored water (I poofy heart LOVE Crystal Light raspberry lemonade!), indulge in 2-3 Hershey's Kisses, or get a couple of quick exercises in. Do you know how many commercial breaks there are in an episode of The Biggest Loser? (side note- you should be watching this show for your weekly dose of inspiration). So we sit on the couch during the show, and then when the commercials hit- we hit the floor. We do push-ups, sit-ups, or stand on the Bosu and do squats. You laugh at each other doing them, but you aren't stuffing your face with empty calories. Then when the snack craving really hits (usually about 9-9:30 for me), I heat up the water and have a cup of Sugar Free Hot Chocolate or Decaf Sugar Free Swiss Mocha (International Foods). Guilt free (almost!) chocolate craving fix!
It's a physical journey next.
I can walk. I've walked. I can easily walk 5 miles at a brisk speed. Brisk, but still can carry on a conversation. I haven't gotten on the elliptical since college. And I HATE running. Walking was a great way to start. It's a quick fix. Park further away at the grocery store or mall. Take 20 mins of your hour-long lunch break and go for a walk. I'm not asking you to do this every day, but 3 times a week- Monday, Wed, and Fri. You CAN do that! There will be a time when your walking won't be enough- it was for me. I started on the elliptical- this time without pain! Works up a pretty good sweat. :) Try it once a week for 30 mins., instead of your walk at lunch. I'm pretty sure that once you start the elliptical, you might (just might!), add this to your weekly walks instead of making it a substitution. I started running. Nothing was taking the weight off- so I started it. Yes, I still hate it. Yes, I still do it. I like the feeling of accomplishing something.
Back to the mental journey:
"How am I going to fit this in to my schedule?"
I work 8:30-3:30. I drop our son off and pick him up, which makes me up at 6:30 and home at 4:30. Then dinner to be made. Then the bedtime routine beginning at 7:30. By 9 pm, it's silent in the house. Oh wait! Did I get the laundry in/kitchen cleaned/family room vacuumed/lunches made? By the time everything is done, it's 11 pm and time for me to head up to bed.
Sound familiar?
It's a challenge to fit time for YOU in. My husband works crazy hours, so I never know when he'll get home. Some days, he gets done at 2 and works out before coming home. This is nice for me because we can eat as a family and then I can go to the gym at 7 and leave the bedtime routine to Ivan. I get the family time, the me time, and then the spouse time all in one night. When he doesn't get done before dinner, he'll go work out after dinner. Leaving me without a work out for the day. If I know this early enough, I change plans- Sawyer and I will take the dog on a walk (good for the dog because he is overweight too!), or I'll load Sawyer in the jogging stroller and I'll jog to the park. Then while he's playing, I'll do sit-ups, knee pull-ups on the monkey bars, or push-ups. Then jog home. If I don't know early enough, it's ok. It will be just a night without a workout. It's nothing to beat myself up for.
My challenge to you is this:
Write down how many times last week you worked out-
What did you do for cardio?
What did you do for strength training?
This next week-
Do one more day of exercise this week than you did last week.

If all else fails- sign up for a Couch 2 5K class (or similar)- you can them all over- YMCA's, gyms, colleges, online). You'll be accountable to someone to go. And you won't blow it off.


  1. I love your 9:00-9:30 snack craving idea! I always get a craving late at night when I am working on the computer. I must try that! :)

  2. Dawn- It really works too! If I want more after drinking that cup, then I make another- guilt free :) The main thing is this- turn on the lights in your kitchen when you are making your cup. Then when you leave, turn them off and walk away from the kitchen. You won't go back in to the kitchen as easily because it will seem 'closed' or more trouble to go back in. :)

  3. I like the kisses idea, but if they are in the house, i'll keep sneaking back for just 2-3 more, so no go there!! I like the "closing" the kitchen for the night trick!

  4. Trina- if you put the kisses in the freezer, you won't eat as many because it will take longer for them to melt in your mouth. :) Just suck on them and don't chew them :)
