Sunday, March 14, 2010


I signed up for the Couch To 5K Program through my local YMCA. There are these programs all over the country and even online. I started it in October of 2009 in order to run a 5K December 1st in Phoenix AZ (we were in Tuscon visiting my in-laws). I did it. I HATED running (I still do), I didn't think I could do it. Step by step I built my endurance. Step by step I got better shoes so my feet didn't hurt. Step by step I didn't hurt as much. My goal was to run the 5K in under 45 minutes. It's not fast, but it's ok- I'm running without stopping. I DID it. I did my first 5K in 43:45! After that high, nothing else could be better.... except that I have a little bit of a stubborn and competitive side to me and decided that in 2010, my New Year's Resolution was going to be: run one 5K (or longer) every month. My first one was in January- the Resolution Run. If you've ever been to the Pacific Northwest in January, it's cold, windy, rainy, foggy, sunny, or a combination of all! It was cold and windy, but no rain on Race Day. The week prior, however, was a different story. The Resolution Run was an off-course race... I was MUDDY after! I shaved 4 1/2 minutes off my time! February's race was the Fanconi Anemia 5K - an out and back (for those non-runners: you run out 1.5 mi and make a turn and run 1.5 back). I ended up at 46 mins and change. I walked more than I ran at it. I was not impressed with my time. At all. Then came the Shamrock Run. The biggest run in Portland. 21,500 runners over 5 events- a kid's 1K, a Strider's 3.5 walk, a 5K, 8K, and 15K. Normally I would have just signed up for the 5K, but thought- "Hey! Let's challenge myself!" So I signed up for the 8K. I walked 1.5 of the 5 miles. But you know what? It's OK to walk in the middle of your run. I was powerwalking and passing people. I got passed by most of the 8K field, and my husband- who was running the 15K (who also started 20 mins before me). I had a goal of 60 mins. I ended up at 66 mins. But I'm also taking off 2 mins- 1 minute for each time I had to stop for traffic instead of the police stopping traffic for me. :P So yes, I can complete an 8K. I did complete an 8K. And I feel pretty good afterwards. :)

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