Monday, June 20, 2011

One year.....

Seriously... My last post was April 2010.  WOW.  So.... here's the thing: I'm taking this blog back.  Why?  Because a baby has caused my body havoc and I have yet to lose the poundage.  Yes, I know all the excuses: "But you JUST had a baby....", etc.  But you know what?  Doesn't matter- the baby is 7 1/2 months old.  That excuse easily is turning into a crutch.  I'm not the only one in this house that gained "baby weight" and haven't lost it yet.  My DH is up in weight again.  So, it's time to get healthy again and stay that way.  It's so easy to rely on Subway or "treat" ourselves with pizza, or get ice cream when the 4 year old (who has been throwing an hour long tantrum) goes to bed and we can finally breathe again.  Ivan dropped a 45 lb weight on his toe in February... oh more specifically- VALENTINE'S DAY and shattered his toe.  He was off work for 2 months.... all he did was sit....and eat.  I've been back at work and shuttling kids back and forth.  I'd walk in the door at 4:45 with two kids and carrying: my purse, computer bag, diaper bag, lunch bag and pump- then try to get everyone settled and try to figure out dinner.... cause I never had enough time in the morning to throw something in the crockpot.  (seriously- I got up at 6:30 am and had nursed the baby, taken a shower, got both boys up and dressed, breakfast/coffee made, lunches to the 'staging area', and pump put back together- out of the house by 7:45- I was THAT GOOD!)

We've had a roller coaster of a year.  We now are finally getting some summer weather and hopefully this will jump start some healthier habits....again.  Ivan was going to attempt Ironman Arizona this November, but the shattered toe has sadly pushed that goal back one year. 

I'm starting with this goal: 30 mins of movement daily.  I'm planning on going to the middle school track and walking/running it (just got a pair of yellow Nike Free running shoes...with purple laces.... :).  I also have "Just Dance 2" rented for the Wii and we love to have "Dance Parties" at night. We are also meal planning again- as much as it's a PITA, it's necessary for us so we don't do the whole "what do you want?" "I dunno- what do you want?" conversation that we have...nightly. 

My summer goal is to lose 30 lbs by the beginning of the school year (Labor Day-ish).  It's all centered in my middle (thanks much to Sawyer and Finley for THAT!!)  Car accidents have diminished my ability to do sit ups, so we'll pull out the balance ball and the Bosu again and work that way on it.

I hope to bring you along on the ride- the ups and downs and I PROMISE to blog even when I "OOPS" :)  We can't always be perfect!